
Wednesday, 2 August 2017

SQL Practice Questions

When we planed to learn Database we can divide the learning in four parts:
  1. Knowing the DBMS concepts. 
  2. Knowing the syntax and concepts of database technology(MS SQL, Oracle etc).
  3. Practicing the SQL.
  4. Digging the depth of Database engine/ Administration

#3 Practice SQL is most common in all the SQL based database and also the 80% of Database works is done by expert SQL Query Developer. In this blog I am writing some SQL practice question that will help you to test/improve your SQL Skill.

Below SQL Practice question are based on Adventure Works database, you can download the Adventure Works  database from below Link. Click Here to download the database.

To download the Adventure works Data- model you can Click Here

Ad-hoc Query:

  1. Show the transaction history of the red color product.
  2. List all the product name with category, subcategory along with inventory location.
  3. List out the product with the latest price of the product.
  4. List out the Product for that their in not a single order in this month.
  5. Show the product with special offer, Only the product having special offer.
  6. List out all the product with total sales order for that product.
  7. Show the product having max number of order this year.
  8. Show the details of a employing having max number of order.
  9. Show all the person names with home address and with office phone number.
  10. Show the employee those who joined this year.
Stored Procedures :

    1. Create a procedure to Insert a new Product information, take the parameter as  Product name, category name ,sub category name, Model name etc.
    2. Create a procedure to Insert a new employee information, and assign him a department. Along with employee information also take Department name as parameter.
    3. Create a procedure to create order for a product.
    Note :  You can keep your answer in comment or if you want the query from my side also you can write in comment.

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