Sunday 29 January 2017

Column level security in SQL Server without using View

We can create column level security in SQL Server without using the view. We can manage the column level security with Database roles. Below are the demo scripts:

 /*Step-1 : create login */

Create login vitest with password ='test#135'

/*Step-2:  Create database user */

Use<Database name >

CREATE user vitest
FOR LOGIN vitest

/* Step-3: Create a role */

CREATE ROLE rolevtest

 /* Step-4: Grant the select permission on that specific column/s  */

 ON OBJECT::testbox.Box(form_id)
 TO rolevtest

/*Step-5: Grant above role to the database user*/
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'rolevtest'

 /* Step-6 :Login with newly created user and try below */

FROM  testbox.Box /* it will work */
SELECT Box_id, Box_Name
FROM  testbox.Box /* it will not work */

Data Mesh

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