Tuesday 1 September 2015

Deployed package History From SSISDB

Querying SSISDB

How to know which version of my package deployed in  SSISDB?

                How to know when and who has deployed the package in my SSISDB? When you want to know the information about your deployed packages (in SSISDB) like what all version of my package has deployed in SSISDB, when it was deployed and who has deployed it, then you have to query the SSISDB.

                Below is the query that will give information about the packages deployed in the SSISDB catalog and also give the information when that folder was created and what all project and packages are deployed by which credential.
/***** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/
SELECT fld.Name as FolderName

,fld.created_By_Name as folderCreatdBy

,fld.Created_time as folderCreateddate
,proj.name projectName
,pkg.[name] as Pakagename
FROM [SSISDB].[internal].folders fld
left outer join [SSISDB].[internal].[projects] proj on proj.folder_id=fld.folder_id
left outer join [SSISDB].[internal].[packages] pkg on pkg.project_id=pkg.project_id


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